Purple Boop65
NK blueberries (lubed with 205g0), FR4 plate, Durock v2 housing lubed with 205g0 wire lubed with BDZ lube, keycaps: cherry milkshake clones, Build: ComaHVC


KeyBey Pollen65
Durock T1s lubed with 205g0, brass plate, cherry screw-in stabilizers lubed with 205g0 and wire lubed BDZ, keycaps: cherry milkshake clones, Build: ComaHVC

MK Disco
Modded MK Disco, Alpacas lubed with Krytox 205g0, Aluminum plate, durock plate mount stabilizers lubed with Krytox 205g0, keycaps: MT3 2048, Build: ComaHVC